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You're bringing home a new cockatiel, how exciting! Or maybe you're thinking of getting a new cockatiel and you want to figure out just how much cost is involved in cockatiel supplies before you make a decision. Either way, this comprehensive cockatiel supplies list will help you figure out what to get for a cockatiel before you actually purchase your new feathered friend. (read more) Artikel ini membahas pentingnya menerapkan prinsip-prinsip pelatihan mental atlet untuk bermain slot online. Penulis menekankan bahwa seperti atlet, pemain slot perlu mengembangkan mental pemenang yang kuat, fokus, dan disiplin untuk menghadapi tekanan dan meraih kemenangan. Artikel ini menyarankan untuk "atletikasi" permainan slot dengan persiapan mental, analisis dan strategi, disiplin finansial, fokus dan konsistensi, serta evaluasi dan pembelajaran. Selain itu, penulis juga menyoroti pentingnya kerja sama dengan rekan setim dan latihan intensif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan bermain slot. Sebagai situs rekomendasi, artikel ini menyarankan Vio88 sebagai platform yang menyediakan berbagai jenis permainan slot dan kesempatan untuk berlatih dengan versi demo.
SEE THIS LIST ON AMAZONIf you'd like to skip straight to the list, here you go. Just click that picture and you'll go right to my list on Amazon.
![]() WHAT DO I NEED FOR A COCKATIEL?I'm going to break this post down into sections:
Cage Perches Toys Food/Feeding Captive Foraging Environment/Sleep Cleaning Veterinary Care Thankfully, we live in a day and age where you can get all of your Cockatiel supplies online, so I will also supply links to each of the items I mention. Let's get started. CHECK OUT OUR ROBLOX THEMED BOOKS FOR AGES 9 AND UP ![]() WHAT SIZE CAGE DOES A COCKATIEL NEED?What size cage should a cockatiel have?
The first thing you're going to need before you bring your new Cockatiel home is a cage large enough for him or her to have room to spread out. This isn't to say you need an enormous cage that allows them to fly, but they should be able to move around in the cage and not be limited to being able to stand in only a few places within the cage. We really like this cage from Prevue. It lets our Tuko travel all over the cage, visiting the different toys and perches we've set up for him. He also loves the little "patio" area on top, and it's his favorite place to be if he's hanging out. It also has two trays that area very easy to clean, and the bottom grate is removable, also for easy cleaning. It's on wheels, so moving it from one room to another is simple, and it also comes with a seed catcher that prevents a lot of mess (if your bird is the type to fling shells and pellets after he's done chewing on them). Whatever cage you choose, just make sure it has enough room for your bird to move. The last thing you want is a bird who feels very confined. This leads to frustration and boredom, which leads to biting, feather plucking, and other destructive behaviors. CHECK OUT OUR MINECRAFT THEMED MIDDLE SCHOOL BOOKS ![]() WHAT DOES A COCKATIEL NEED IN ITS CAGE?This section will be devoted to cockatiel perches.
The main goal with your perches is to give your cockatiel different materials to perch on so their nails stay naturally filed down and they don't get bumblefoot. If you don't know what bumblefoot is, it's basically sores on the bottoms of your cockatiel's feet caused from them standing in one place, on one type of perch, for too long. This is also why we recommend a larger cage. It fits more perches and gives your cockatiel incentive to move around, play with different toys, and sit on different perches. It's not just the material of the perch that makes a difference but also the size of the perch. Having a few different perches gives your bird a chance to change his grip, from flat footed to curled, and from a small grip to a large grip. We have seven perches in Tuko's cage right now, but if you don't want to get that many, it's okay. I'll recommend a few of our favorites and you can search some more on your own if you prefer. First up, we love these rope perches. We have two strung across his cage right now. They go from bottom to middle, then middle to top. It's like his own little bird stairway. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOUR BIRD FLIES AWAY? HERE'S OUR STORY. ![]() Next up, we love these sandpaper perches. We have two in his cage, one attached to the cage door on the inside, and one on the bottom of his cage near a shred toy he loves. These are great for keeping your cockatiel's nails filed down. Not a lot, but a bit, so you have to trim them less. We've actually had Tuko for more than a year and have never had to trim his nails.
![]() We also like these corner perches. They're a 90 degree perch perfect for a flat foot perch on a non gritty surface. We have one in a corner near a mirror Tuko loves, and another up high next to his bird heater so he can cuddle up next to it on cold nights.
![]() Finally we have some natural perches in his cage. One is just a branch that someone stuck a nut and washer on. It works great and allows Tuko to have another variation of a grip perch.
The most important thing is having enough perches that your bird isn't grabbing one perch one way all the time. ![]() Another variation of a natural perch is something like this. It's mostly flat on top, but has a little natural texture. We have one placed under Tuko's feeder.
How many perches should a cockatiel have? I don't think there is an exact number. Try to make sure that your bird has a few different grips and textures. Most importantly, try to make sure your cage has enough room for your bird to want to move around to sit on these different perches. ![]() Perches in the cage are important, but if your bird is like ours, they will also spend a lot of time outside of the cage. If you want to have a perch in your house, I really like this suction cup type. We suctioned it to a living room window, and each day we just open the blinds and open the perch. It's super fast and easy, and Tuko loves sitting on it.
I will say that sometimes the perch comes in the mail with suction cups that are a little too "cupped", making it hard for them to stick. All I do when this happens is stick the cup to the floor and put a heavy book or weight on it so it flattens the cup out. ![]() WHAT KIND OF TOYS SHOULD A COCKATIEL HAVE?This could end up being a really long list, so I'm going to try and limit it to a few toys Tuko really loves. I'm also going to try and explain the different types of toys so you can go and choose your own, if you want to.
Firstly, the point of all of these toys is just to keep your bird engaged. If you find a toy your bird loves, that's the best one for him or her. Tuko loves things that he can shred, so I'll start with a couple of shredding toys we really recommend. Artikel ini membahas tentang kecanduan togel dan dampak negatifnya, serta memberikan langkah-langkah untuk mengatasinya. Penulis menekankan bahwa kecanduan togel dapat menyebabkan masalah finansial, hubungan sosial, dan kesehatan mental yang serius. Artikel ini menyarankan beberapa cara untuk mengatasi kecanduan togel, seperti mencari dukungan dari orang terdekat, membatasi akses dan waktu bermain, mencari hobi dan kegiatan pengganti, serta mencari bantuan profesional. Penulis juga menekankan pentingnya menikmati permainan dengan bijak dan menciptakan kehidupan yang lebih seimbang dan bermakna. Any type of toy that has bits of paper stuck into it is a great idea for our bird. He loves plucking the paper out and tossing it all over his cage. Once all the stuffing is plucked out, we replace the toy. I highly recommend this foraging toy. It looks enormous in Tuko's cage, but he loves it. He's always picking at it, standing on it, and making it swing. ![]() Another toy Tuko loves is this cupcake. He loves it so much that we have it on Amazon Subscribe and Save so he gets one every single month. Unfortunately, he shreds it in a week if he's really into it, so your mileage may vary.
![]() Finally, let's talk about toys that have a long life span. Unlike the shred toys, these can be put in your bird's cage and left for years. They don't break, and the only reason to replace them would be if your bird gets tired of them.
There are many toys like this your bird could enjoy, but Tuko's favorite is this basketball set. He loves it, plays with it every day, and will fly to his cage just to jiggle the ball, put it in the basket, then fly off to his window perch. How many toys should a cockatiel have? Again, that's totally up to you. Enough to keep your bird from being bored, that's the goal. ![]() WHAT SHOULD I FEED MY COCKATIEL?This is an easy one!
Your Cockatiel should be on a diet of mainly pellets. It can be easy to assume they'd eat seeds, but in the wild, this isn't the case. They might eat some seeds, but mostly it'll be things they forage for that are more nutrient dense than seeds. Also, in the wild they are getting a lot more exercise, so they will burn through the fatty seed calories. That's likely not going to be the case when you're keeping them as a pet. So now we'll talk pellets, seeds as treats, and captive foraging. Here is Tuko's main diet. A bag of this goes a long, long way, especially if you use an automatic feeder. I'll talk about that below. A word of caution, I would recommend getting the seed home and placing it in your freezer for a week. I say this because pantry moths are a common occurrence in these seed bags and you do not want an infestation. Freezing the seed kills any active moths or larva that might be lurking. After a week, go ahead and place it in an airtight container and store wherever. WE'RE REVAMPING ALLOWANCE WITH GREENLIGHT, THE DEBIT CARD FOR KIDS ![]() I recommend this automatic feeder. The large feeder fits perfectly on the cage I mentioned, and it makes feeding your Cockatiel simple. Just dump the pellets into the feeder, then go in once a week or so and empty the cup beneath the feeder back into the top of the feeder. This prevents a ton of waste, and the feeder itself is designed to prevent a ton of mess.
We love it. ![]() Watering your Cockatiel is also simple with this Lixit waterer. If you've ever had a gerbil, hamster, etc. you've seen these little waterers. Turns out, they're perfect for birds as well.
Veterinarians actually recommend them because they eliminate the potential for your bird to ingest his own waste after he poops in his water bowl. If you're worried about your bird not using the waterer, go ahead and keep a cup of water in his cage for a bit until he gets used to it. He will get used to it, though. ![]() If you're not comfortable with a lick water bottle, try this type. It's a "clean cup" waterer/feeder and it has a cover which prevents your bird from being able to accidentally poop in it.
When we go out of town without Tuko, I actually put one of these in his cage as backup, "just in case". ![]() Now let's talk about captive foraging and seed treats. I would recommend only giving seed in a foraging toy so that your bird has to work for it. Believe me, they'll work for it.
It keeps them busy and gives them a tasty treat for their hard work. We love this particular treat toy, and Tuko is able to get into it without too much trouble, but it does take him awhile to fish out and eat all the seeds. I typically give him a teaspoon or so once a day, then I check it each morning to see if he's managed to eat all of them. I've caught a video of him using the forager, it's below the picture. CAN YOU LEAVE YOUR BIRD HOME WHILE YOU GO ON VACATION? ![]() Here's Tuko foraging for his treat seeds. I'll talk about the type of treat seeds we give him further down.
If you're going to give treat seeds, I'd recommend not giving any seeds with sunflowers in them. According to the things I've read, Sunflowers are the "trash" seed of the seed world. A whole lot of fat, not much other nutritional value
Artikel ini membahas tentang game slot Fa Cai Shen yang dikembangkan oleh Habanero. Artikel ini memberikan panduan lengkap untuk mengakses game slot ini melalui situs Slot88, termasuk langkah-langkah pendaftaran akun dan cara mengakses member area. Artikel ini juga menjelaskan detail tentang fitur-fitur utama Fa Cai Shen, seperti simbol Wild dan Scatter, serta cara bermain game slot ini, termasuk pengaturan taruhan, putaran otomatis, dan potensi max win. Artikel ini ditujukan untuk para pemain yang ingin mencoba game slot Fa Cai Shen dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari fitur-fiturnya. Thankfully the bird world has realized this, so finding Sunflower seed-free options is easy. ![]() COCKATIEL CAGE ENVIRONMENT
Next we'll talk about sleep. Your Cockatiel needs about 10-12 hours of sleep a night, and this can be difficult if you (or your children) are sleeping for only 8 hours.
Since Tuko sleeps in our oldest son's room, we have provided him with a cage cover that blacks out light when it's his bed time. We generally follow the sunset cycle for Tuko, putting him to bed as the sun sets and waking him when we wake. I would say he normally gets at least 12 hours of sleep each night, and this cover makes it much easier for him to rest.
Again, as with everything in this post, these are the exact items I am using with the cage I mentioned.
Since Tuko sleeps in our oldest son's room, we have provided him with a cage cover that blacks out light when it's his bed time. We generally follow the sunset cycle for Tuko, putting him to bed as the sun sets and waking him when we wake. I would say he normally gets at least 12 hours of sleep each night, and this cover makes it much easier for him to rest.
Again, as with everything in this post, these are the exact items I am using with the cage I mentioned.

I'll be finishing up this post with veterinary care and cage cleaning. I lump them together because both are aimed at keeping your bird healthy.
First off, your bird should see a vet once a year, more often if you suspect something is wrong. Remember that a bird is considered an exotic animal, and they are known to hide their issues until they are extremely sick. Making sure they see a vet once a year will help you stay on top of things.
If you haven't read my post about the time Tuko got lead poisoning, I'll put that link and the video below. It was awful, and I would hate for anyone else to deal with it.
You're going to need a travel cage when you take your new bird to the vet, and I highly recommend this one. It's cheap, compact, and stores completely flat if you want it to, making it easy to stick under a bed while not in use.
First off, your bird should see a vet once a year, more often if you suspect something is wrong. Remember that a bird is considered an exotic animal, and they are known to hide their issues until they are extremely sick. Making sure they see a vet once a year will help you stay on top of things.
If you haven't read my post about the time Tuko got lead poisoning, I'll put that link and the video below. It was awful, and I would hate for anyone else to deal with it.
You're going to need a travel cage when you take your new bird to the vet, and I highly recommend this one. It's cheap, compact, and stores completely flat if you want it to, making it easy to stick under a bed while not in use.

Tuko did get lead poisoning when we'd had him for about six months. It was awful, and while he is fine, it was something I will never forget and am doing my best to help educate others about the things you might have around your house that are made of lead.
You can read the post here, and I've put the video below.
You can read the post here, and I've put the video below.
As a general rule, our son has to scrub Tuko's perches once a week. He does it more often if there's a giant poop sitting around.
We also like these puppy pads as they fit perfectly into the slide out trays of the cage. It's easy to slide the tray out, pick up the pad, dump it in the trash, then replace it with a fresh pad. I have him do this once a week as well.
We also like these puppy pads as they fit perfectly into the slide out trays of the cage. It's easy to slide the tray out, pick up the pad, dump it in the trash, then replace it with a fresh pad. I have him do this once a week as well.
I think that's all I've got for you, but by all means, if you have questions, feel free to ask. I am more than happy to help, if I can.
Enjoy your new bird!
Enjoy your new bird!
I am seriously thinking about buying my 1st cockatiel. My stepmom had a few when I was growing up. I would like to make sure that the person or store I buy my bird from doesn't sell me a sick bird. I want to make sure the bird is completely healthy.
Any tips on bird buying???
5/14/2021 12:22:40 pm
Hi Jennifer! I definitely can help with that. We did a lot of research before buying, so the short answer is buy from a reputable breeder that hand raises them. The long answer is -
I hope that helps!
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I'm a mom, wife, dog parent, bird parent, homeschooler, author, quilter, travel lover, and blogger. It's very nice to meet you!