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In honor of Easter coming up soon, we've got all sorts of EGGsperiments up our sleeves! (read more) EGG IN A BOTTLE TRICK
We decided to do the egg in a bottle trick two different ways. I'll walk you through both methods, but before we get started, let's talk about what you're going to need.
1. Hardboiled eggs - We made a half dozen in advance because we thought we might have some trouble since we'd never done this before. We were right! It can be a little tricky, especially for the second egg in a bottle trick method! If I had it to do over, I'd probably make a dozen hardboiled eggs and just make deviled eggs with any I had left over. Peeling hardboiled eggs can be a pain, so I'm going to tell you what I use, and I'll show you a video. It's called a Negg, and it's completely awesome. All of my hardboiled eggs peeled without any fuss. This is a handy thing to have around the house, even if you only use it during the holidays. Here's me using my Negg: EGG IN A BOTTLE TRICK
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