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When Mom and I went to Disneyland in September of 2019, Galaxy's Edge had only been open a few months. We were eager to ride Smuggler's Run, and we'd heard of Oga's Cantina at the Disneyland resort, but we didn't have any plans to actually visit the Cantina because we thought getting a reservation would be next to impossible. Turns out, it was easier than we thought, so we decided to book Oga's Cantina Disneyland and see what the hype was all about. (Read more) Oga’s Cantina Galaxy’s Edge Disneyland
As I said, Mom and I had no plans to visit Oga's when I booked the trip about a year ago. We're not big drinkers, nor are we big Star Wars fans, so we couldn't really see the point. Deciding we'd leave those reservations for people who would enjoy the experience more, we let alone and didn't think anymore about it.
Fast forward to the week we were visiting. I was looking in the app for someplace to eat lunch in Magic Kingdom when a late lunch spot at Oga's popped up on my screen. I wasn't sure Oga's served actual food, so I did a quick search for, "oga’s cantina disneyland food" and "oga’s cantina disneyland menu" just to confirm. Turns out, the food is indeed limited to (an abundance of) alcoholic drinks and a couple of snack items. I'll talk more about the food and drinks further down. Mom and I decided to have lunch at Downtown Disney and then come back into the park and just have cocktails during our late lunch reservation. Speaking of reservations, I'll talk about that below. Here we are enjoying the Cantina! CHECK OUT OUR KIDS BOOKS ON AMAZON Oga’s Cantina Disneyland Reservations
Finding reservations for Oga's Cantina Disneyland really isn't all that difficult, and I highly recommend making them because (as far as I know) they don't allow walk-ins. Even if you have a reservation and book Oga's Cantina Disneyland in advance, you are probably going to still wait in a line (outside) before you get in. We were able to check in 15 minutes before our reservation, no sooner. Once you check in (your entire party must be present), you wait in line until a Cast Member calls your name.
The day Mom and I went was pretty hot, we were there at the hottest part of the day, and Mom had lost her hat by leaving it in the pocket of Space Mountain. I gave her my hat because I didn't want her to overheat, then she got so worried about me being hatless that she purchased a Star Wars hat that I wore around the rest of the trip. There are places in Galaxy's Edge where you can sit and cool off, but if you're trying to stick close to Oga's, there's not a ton of shade or seating. If you're thinking this might be a good place to cool off and sit down, you're half right. Oga's is air conditioned and it was nice and cool inside, but (unless you're a large party or have someone in your party who needs extra assistance) you won't be sitting down. Mom and I followed a Cast Member into Oga's and were a little bit shocked when we were led to a bar top height table with no seats of any kind. Not only were there no seats, but the tables were communal, meaning another group was placed right across from us at the same long table. We could not have been closer if we'd all been dating. Now, we were two parties of two, so you might get your own table if you're a party of four or more. Mom was pretty tired by this point, as was I, and we were definitely let down that we'd be standing for the duration. Still, we soaked in the sights! I'm sure this is paradise for a Star Wars fan since it impressed both of us and we're just "meh" on the subject. Everything was very well themed. We loved the DJ spinning tunes and keeping up some chatter once in a while. The bar was amazing with tubes and pipes running all over the place, and of course Oga's was spotlessly clean. HERE'S OUR DISNEY MUST HAVE PACKING LIST ![]() Oga's Cantina Disneyland Menu
I won't go into great detail about the menu since it's mostly drinks, but I will say that the cocktails we had were very good. I will give you a link to Oga's Cantina Disneyland drinks, though. Just click there and you'll see the menu on the Disney site.
I had the Jedi Mind Trick, Mom had a Fuzzy Tauntaun. The Fuzzy Tauntaun has some kind of foam on top that makes your mouth tingle, so be prepared for that. :) The Jedi Mind Trick is the one pictured below. Also pictured is one of the two snack type offerings available during lunch and dinner. It's called Batuu Bits and is a bit like eating astronaut food. It wasn't bad, Mom and I shared it, but it wasn't "good", either. There is a larger plate your party can share, but since it's $21 and there were only two of us (and we'd just eaten lunch), we didn't get it. There was another snack on the menu called Oga's Obsession, and it sounds like it might be a sweet snack. If I do go back to Oga's, I'll have to give it a try. One thing to note is that the waitress or waiter will require a credit card from you before you place your order. I think this might have to do with the time limit on your stay. You can only stay 45 minutes, so they want to get that check to you right away. It didn't exactly feel like we were rushed, but the waitress did a good job of making sure we were taken care of and our checked was wrapped up fairly quickly after we got our drinks. I think we probably only stayed in the cantina for 25 or 30 minutes before heading out. So if you're thinking this will be a place you can linger and enjoy a few drinks, I'm not actually sure that's going to be the case. Here are our Batuu Bits and the bottom of Mom's drink. Everything on the Batuu Bits plate is dry, no utensils. It's like space-age chips. The freeze dried churro things were wonderful! The only part we sort of didn't like was the dried carrot things, they're the orange items on the plate. CHECK OUT OUR FAVORITE SNACK SUBSCRIPTION BOX - UNIVERSAL YUMS ![]() Final Thoughts & A Tip
While it really wasn't our thing, Mom and I enjoyed being able to cool off and see what the fuss was about. It was a neat atmosphere, though we do hope that one day they'll bring in stools and not give you a 45 minute limit. We get why they're doing it this way, though. They want everyone to be able to experience it, and that's a good thing.
Be aware, it wasn't cheap to have a drink and a snack at Oga's. We had one drink each, shared the Batuu Bits, and still ended up with a $50 bill after leaving a tip for the waitress. I have had drinks at other places in Disney, so I'd say the drinks at Oga's are on par or only slightly more than Carthay/Trattoria at Disneyland, or BOG/CRT at Disney World. I think the reason it felt like it cost more was because you didn't have near the comfort level that you'd get at any other place in Disney. It's a lot of money so that you can share a table with people you don't know, and stand up while you're doing it. That said, I'm glad I went, and I want you to have the best chance of getting your own reservation, even if it's last minute. Here's a tip about getting a reservation, they are much easier to get than you're probably thinking. When you pull up the Disneyland App, just navigate to the reservation section then put in the date and the restaurant. Don't limit it to a certain hour, instead select "lunch" or "dinner", or even "breakfast" depending on the general time you want to go. If nothing comes up, back out of that screen and then go back in to it. It only took me two or three times of doing this to get a reservation, and I saw at least a half dozen each day when I was looking for places to eat in Magic Kingdom. Still, I'd recommend booking it 60/180 days out, like all of your other "must have" dining experiences. Disney World is 180 days, and Disneyland is 60 days. If you go, tell us what you thought! If you're a big Star Wars fan, was it everything you thought it would be? And, if you haven't gone yet, don't forget to check out our "Top Ten Disney Must Have's" list we put together on Amazon. Enjoy Oga's! Ty
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