It was kismet! Friday afternoon I took my youngest to the grocery store and happened to buy cocktail weenies. (read more)
I'm not really a fan of cocktail weenies, so I might make pigs in a blanket for the kids once every year, but probably even less than that. However, my 8 year old is a huge fan, so when we passed the tiny hot dogs in an open topped refrigerated case, he was a moth to a flame. Cocktail weenies acquired, we grabbed some crescent roll dough in preparation for Saturday morning.
Saturday came, I made the pigs in a blanket, the kids loved them, I didn't eat any. May they remember my sacrifice when they're older. Half the cocktail weenies went back in the fridge since I didn't use them all, but I secretly planned on tossing them out in a few days so I wouldn't have to deal with them again. Saturday, after breakfast, I had plans with a good friend to spend our day quilting and eating. We stopped by her local grocery store to browse the goods, and I saw this cute, pink, silicone mold of adorable little pigs. I mean, I had half a thing of cocktail weenies in my fridge for the first time in two years! It was meant to be!!! Purchase made, I went home and washed the tray. It said it was dishwasher safe, so I popped it on the top rack and ran it with a load of dishes. It came out fine, no warping, no melting, no problem.
My husband was in charge of breakfast the next morning, so he made some regular pancake batter, filled the little piggies, then pushed a cocktail weenie into the batter.
I was a little worried they'd come out funky looking, but no, aren't they so cute!?!?
The package came with the silicone tray and a recipe book, but really if you know how to make pancake batter, you're good. It does include other recipes, piggy omelets, etc
Now, I looked for these on Amazon, but didn't have much luck. There are a few sellers with long lead times or very high prices, so I'm going to suggest an alternate brand. You won't get the exact same stuff in the package, like you may not get the recipe book, but I'm going to suggest that you really don't need it. It's kind of like buying a cupcake pan and not getting a cupcake recipe book. So, if you can't find these at your local store, (I shop at Kroger, and while they are not at mine, they were at my friend's), try this other brand, it's cheaper than what I paid and looks almost exactly the same. The picture below is the one I purchased:
And here we have the one you can get for half the price on Amazon. Mobi 12 Little Pigs in a Blanket Silicone Baking Mold:
If you make them, let me know how they turn out!
Oink! Ty
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