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As the kids watch, Mad Mary makes her move. Dirk is on the operating table; his time has run out. (read more)
Dirk may not be the most likeable Jumper in the game, but the other kids will never forget that he was the one who saved Jed’s life and brought him out of Roblox. He is one of them, and they will do whatever they can to get him back.
Mad Mary has waited long enough. She knows how to get the beacon out of Dirk, and she’s ready to go in and take it, even if it means he won‘t survive. She’s willing to do whatever it takes to see The Man’s nefarious plan succeed. In Apocalypse Rising, the kids have gathered to save their friend. They need him to eat a beacon so he can get out of the game. Kat has an idea to put a beacon in his path, but before she can do it, the Jumpers have got to buy themselves some time so they can get Dirk away from Mary. The Jumpers will ask Adrian and Carina to make a big decision, one with ultimately dire consequences, but there isn’t any other way. They’ve got to save Dirk, and to do it, they’ve got to bring The Man out of his coma. Then they’ve got to find Patient Zero. Join them now, they‘re waiting for you.
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