Two days, that's all the time the kids have left to rescue their friends.
Jed is the Alpha Beacon, his mind once again lost in the game, but with the bad comes the good. He has found the children The Man has hidden, and he's working on a way to save them. Dirk and the other Jumpers are back in the game in a race against time to save Jake. He haunts a dungeon, killing every warrior and wizard who challenges his might, but if he is killed, all will be lost. Unfortunately, they're not the only ones who want to fight the new boss, and before they can get to Jake they'll have to deal with other players who would get there first. The Man is ready to cut his losses and run, believing he can start again. He wants only to kidnap Jed. Once Jed is in his grasp, he will raze The Company, and everyone in it. Can the Jumpers save Jake, the children, and Jed before it's too late? The end game has begun.
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