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It was 2011, my youngest son wasn't quite a year old. I'd been a stay at home mom for four years, and we were doing okay financially. Then, my husband came home and told me that he wanted to quit his job to start his own business. (read more)
This was before I started writing, blogging, quilting, or anything that would bring in a side income. I did have a Bachelors degree, but I hadn't been in the work force since my oldest was born, and since we had decided to homeschool, my going back to work wasn't something easy to accomplish without a major shifting of plans.
After I finished some deep breathing where I pictured all of us living under a bridge, I got real about looking at our budget and figuring out where we could save money. Cable was the first thing to go. What I needed were some getting rid of cable options, some cable TV alternatives. CHECK OUT OUR MINECRAFT THEMED BOOKS FOR KIDS
I'd always been budget minded, having gotten into big trouble with credit cards as soon as I went to college, I vowed never to let that happen again. I basically lived and died by the number on my spreadsheet each month.
It helps that I'm super "Type-A". Deviation makes my skin crawl, schedules are my best friend, and if you need to "wing it", don't invite me. No really, please, don't invite me. NON CABLE TV OPTIONS
There are so many non cable TV options out there today, I'm not going to list all of them, it would take forever. Instead, I'm going to list the things we chose to do, and the things we have since changed as our cable-free years have progressed.
I'm not sure what you pay for cable, but for us, with very basic cable; we were paying almost $200 a month. That was without internet, without phone, just cable. When you factor in the cost of monthly DVR rental, cable box rental, insurance should anything go wrong, taxes, fees, etc. it can really add up. Thankfully, these options cost FAR less. Even today, when I feel like I have loads of options to watch, I still spend only around $40 a month. CHECK OUT OUR ROBLOX THEMED BOOKS FOR KIDS HOW TO GET RID OF CABLE
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