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I'm not big on messy science experiments, or messy anything (if I'm being totally honest), but I'd seen my kids watching so many videos about how to make fluffy slime without borax that I decided to give it a shot. (read more) HOW TO MAKE FLUFFY SLIME WITHOUT BORAX - THE VIDEO
First off, as with any post I make that has a video linked to it, you are welcome to skip all the writing and go right to the video. Here it is, enjoy!
Surprisingly, you really don't need much in order to make your own batch of fluffy slime. You'll probably have most of this at home already! If you're like me and missing one or two things, they're easy to grab at the grocery store on the cheap.
Here's what you'll need: 2/3 Cup of Washable School Glue. We're talking something like Elmers Glue, the kind you loved to eat in Kindergarten. Now, since I glue baste when I quilt, I already had a gallon of glue in the house. I prefer this Amazon brand and I can say that it worked great to make fluffy slime. 1/4 Cup of Water 1/2 TSP Baking Soda 2/3 Cups Shaving Foam - Do not use shave gel, it won't work, not even if it's gel that turns into foam when you rub it. We found cans at our local Walmart for $0.99 each, and we made two big batches without using up even one whole can. You can also pick up this brand on Amazon, it's $1.99, but if you're already there, it might save you some time. 1 1/2 TBSP Contact Lens Solution - It's important to note that you need contact lens solution that has both BORIC ACID and SODIUM BORATE on the ingredient list. We used a generic Walmart brand that worked great, but if you're on Amazon and you want to grab something there, try this Renu Contact Lens Solution. I'll put a picture of ours below so you can see it. Just make sure your contact lens solution has those two ingredients, or it won't work. Food Coloring - If you want white slime, there's no need to use food coloring, but if you want those colors, just grab a couple of color tubes in your local baking aisle. Be warned that your hands will probably turn slightly the color of the slime. My oldest made bright orange slime, and he had jaundiced looking hands the whole day. Here's a picture of the ingredients you will need in your contact lens solution: CHECK OUT OUR ROBLOX THEMED BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS HOW TO MAKE FLUFFY SLIME WITHOUT BORAX - INSTRUCTIONS
The making of fluffy slime is actually really easy. The longest part of the project will be kneading the slime after you've combined all of the ingredients until it becomes pliable and will easily come away from your hands.
Until you get to that point, though, you've got a goopy mess that is going tot stick to everything. Start by pouring your glue into a bowl: CHECK OUT OUR REVIEW OF GREENLIGHT - THE DEBIT CARD FOR KIDS
Once that's done, fill a measuring cup with your water, then add your baking soda to the water. Stir it up, mixing well, then go ahead and add that to the glue in your bowl.
Now that you've got your glue, water, and baking soda all together, it's time to add the shaving cream.
After you've added the shaving cream, you can go ahead and start mixing it all together with a spoon.
Once it's smoothly mixed, it's time to add your food coloring.
The more you add, the deeper the color. And, if you add a bunch of colors together, it's probably going to look pretty gross.
Once you've got your colors all mixed in, it's time to add your contact lens solution. Start by adding just one TBSP, knead it for a few minutes, then add more.
The longer you knead it, the less it will stick to your hands, but it does take time, probably 15-20 minutes or so. Before that point it'll just feel sticky and gross, and it'll stay on anything in comes into contact with. The good news is that it does wash out of clothes! (I have first hand experience with this) CHECK OUT MY TOP TEN FAVORITE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE FAN FICTION NOVELS
After you've kneaded your slime for five minutes or so, add a little more contact lens solution. We did it in half TSBP increments, adding a total of about 2 TBSP (or a bit less).
How much you need will vary based on how much shaving cream you use, and how well your slime is fluffing. Don't be afraid to get your hands in it and go to town!
Once it gets really fluffy and stops sticking to your hands, you're ready to play.
It'll stay fluffy for about 24 hours, but after that the bubbles escape from the shaving foam, and you're left with plain ole slime. Still really fun, but not fluffy.
Store it in an airtight container and your slime should last a good while. Once the kids get tired of it, it's simple to toss it out and make more when the mood strikes.
Based on our experiment, we think you can make around four batches with one can of shaving foam. I think that will be the first thing you run out of. HOW TO MAKE FLUFFY SLIME WITHOUT BORAX - OTHER FUN PROJECTS
If you're looking for other fun things to do, check out our Egg In A Bottle Experiment. I'll post the video below, and you can click here to see the post.
We've also had tons of fun bouncing eggs off of basketballs to demonstrate the transfer of kinetic energy, so check that out as well!
And of course, when you get tired of experimenting and are ready for some reading, come check out our Minecraft and Roblox themed books for young readers!
The Guild Crafters - Minecraft Books - Ages 9 + The World Keepers - Roblox Books - Ages 9 + Block Books - Minecraft Books For New Readers Enjoy! Ty WE TOOK A PRIVATE VIP TOUR AT DISNEY - HERE'S WHAT WE THOUGHT
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