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This information is also available in eBook and print book on Amazon. If you enjoy the blog post, please feel free to go and leave a review on the book. I would really appreciate it. Before you dig into this post, there are a few things you need to know. First of all, I am not a travel agent of any sort. I don't write this to sway you, far from it. More like I've written it to help myself decide where Mom and I are going next year. Second, this post does contain affiliate links, meaning, if you decide to grab a personalized Touring Plan from the link I provide, or you book through Get Away Today using my link, I get a small bonus, but it costs you nothing extra. Same goes if you look through my Amazon store front for things, like the stuff I have on my "Top Ten Disney Packing List" post. Other than that, I am what I appear to be, a mom who loves Disney and is totally torn on which Disney I like better. Hopefully this post helps you figure it out, if you're in the same boat. (read more) SHOULD YOU GO TO DISNEYLAND OR DISNEY WORLD?
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